by James Dennis Beeson, MD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/19/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781499019780
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781499019797
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781499019803

About the Book

James Beeson was an Indiana farm boy till his father died when he was ten. He was never without a job. His mother cobbled together the means of maintaining a home for him for the next seven years without the intrusion of any governmental or charitable institution.

He skipped the twelfth grade, enlisted in the Navy and was sent to Notre Dame University for his pre-med studies in their college training program (V-12).

He graduated from Indiana Medical School in 1949 at the age of twenty-two. He is a board certified anesthesiologist (retired). He had five fine children by his first dear wife who died in 2002. Two of his sons are also anesthesiologists. In 2003 he married his wife's best friend who was a widow.

He retired in 1996 and was a care giver for six years. He began writing books in 2009. He enjoys cruising, dinner with friends, Cubs' baseball, Jaguar football, good scotch and the love of his adored wife.

He is chronically happy and healthy as of 2014.

About the Author

James Beeson was an Indiana farm boy till his father died when he was ten. He was never without a job. His mother cobbled together the means of maintaining a home for him for the next seven years without the intrusion of any governmental or charitable institution.

He skipped the twelfth grade, enlisted in the Navy and was sent to Notre Dame University for his pre-med studies in their college training program (V-12).

He graduated from Indiana Medical School in 1949 at the age of twenty-two. He is a board certified anesthesiologist (retired). He had five fine children by his first dear wife who died in 2002. Two of his sons are also anesthesiologists. In 2003 he married his wife's best friend who was a widow.

He retired in 1996 and was a care giver for six years. He began writing books in 2009. He enjoys cruising, dinner with friends, Cubs' baseball, Jaguar football, good scotch and the love of his adored wife.

He is chronically happy and healthy as of 2014.