The Lost Princess

by Janette Rucker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/22/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781499064766
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781499064759

About the Book

This story is about a young princess that was stolen from her loving family and lifestyle and thrust into a new world away from her palace to a shack, from golden floors and chandeliers to drug infested hallways and small cramp rooms from servants and nannies to pimps and prostitutes from a land of milk and honey into a place with grits and noodles from riches and luxury to a home where they were one step from the lights being shut off and only a half a step from the water being cut off but still the little Princess found love that was priceless but still experiencing an emptiness and visions that had to be filled not knowing the danger surrounding her life. Hope you enjoy this book and check out the sequel The Royal Family that’s where it really gets deep. Thank you all.

About the Author

First as always I want to thank God for being in my life and the acknowledgement of him and his Glory. Thanks to my family, my awesome father and mother Robert Andrews Sr. and Janette Andrews who have always been in my life. I also want to thank my big brother Earl and my little brother Michael and a special thanks to my baby brother Jerry Lee Andrews without him and God I would of never been able to get any of my books published and fulfill my goal in life to write, Thanks Jerry. I like to thank my little sister Linda who I argue with all the time but who I love so much. And I have so many other family members and a whole lot of friends that it would take another book to mention them all. I need to thank my Uncle Morrow L. Monroe who I never met but who played a part in completing these books. Last but not in the least I have to thank my Hubby Robert Lee Rucker for having my back and after thirty years, still by my side, love you Rucker. Thank you all for reading my books and pushing me and helping me live out my dream. Love you all Jar.