Inside My Shadow Box

by Kerrie Bullard



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/17/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781499080131
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781499080124
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781499080148

About the Book

Inside My Shadow Box allows the readers to feel as if they are alongside the author as she writes of her many adventures as a child growing up in Sweetwater, Texas, as a bride and mother at seventeen years of age, as a woman who suffered at the hands of family violence and a cheating husband, as a police officer who was the first of her kind in the county where she worked, as a police officer working on homicide cases, and as a state investigator working on child deaths and in the FLDS raids that caused the arrest and imprisonment of Warren Jeffs. The author allows you to feel some of her personal feelings during very sad and precious moments in her life as well as allowing you as the reader to understand her thoughts on unsolved cases. There is no doubt that you as a reader will experience a variety of emotions while reading this book. You will understand the human side of a police officer and state investigator and understand why sometimes, although it seems there is enough to bring one to justice, there just isn’t. It is the author’s hope that after reading this book, you will come away with a feeling that you know and understand the meaning of the book’s title, Inside My Shadow Box. The shadow box reflects what is stored inside, and what the author has written about are many things she has stored inside through the years of her life until the release of this book.

About the Author

Kerrie Bullard was born in Sweetwater, Texas, on December 17, 1957, to a middle-class family of four. Growing up, she had hopes and dreams just like everyone does. Dreams of becoming a musician, a missionary, a writer, a nurse, and a police officer. She met all her goals. She has been a musician, playing in the school band, being a self-taught pianist, playing in country bands alongside her late husband, opening shows for some of the most popular country music acts in the early 1980s, becoming a gospel singer, playing instruments in her church, becoming an EMT, bringing EMS to Snyder, Texas, and becoming the first commissioned female police officer in Fisher County. Through her service in the church as a musician and singer, she is able to minister to people through her music. While not out of the country on the mission field, she believes this is the mission that God has assigned to her. She has made history three times during her life in that she did bring emergency medical services to Snyder, Texas, she was the first commissioned female peace office in Fisher County to go on patrol, and she was involved in the largest known child removal in history. Today, she still acts as a peace officer with a reserve deputy status in the Nolan County Sheriff Department in Sweetwater, Texas. Although she was married at seventeen years of age and had a child, she was able to complete her education with a BS degree in criminal justice, and she obtained her master certification as a peace officer and jailer. She overcame many obstacles through health problems, the death of a husband, the problems of having a child, dealing with the demons of drug use, and the loss of her father. She attributes her successes in life to the fact that even at the times when she left God, He never left her. She was once told by her grandfather to “never lose what God has given you to use,” and she has lived by that standard throughout her life. She has a firm belief that because of His guiding hand, she has made it safely through the many journeys of her life. She has finally met her goal of becoming a writer in authoring this book.