Decide Forward

The Pathway to All-Round Success

by Peter Ajisafe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/10/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781499091977
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781499091953
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781499091960

About the Book

Decide Forward defines the path for those who desire to succeed, remain and become more successful. There is unassumingly nothing that makes for success that has not been covered in this work. Decide Forward is success work book; in it lies the recipes for complete success. If you want to succeed, this book defines the path.

This book speaks for itself. In it you will find out one unmistakable decision you will have to make in life that has the power to transform your life forever.

The creative information, and success insights provided in this book will change and improve your thinking, spur up a great idea in you, unlock the power within you to succeed, and will positively influence and change every aspect of your life forever.

Decide Forward (the pathway to all-round success) is my desire for you.
With love — best wishes!

About the Author

Peter Bolaji Ajisafe is a creative thinker and writer and the pioneer pastor of The Dominant Force Worshippers’ Assembly (a.k.a. Greater Grace Gospel Ministries - 3GM,) located in Ibadan. Peter Bolaji Ajisafe is also the coordinator of The Leading Light Inc. (a personal development cum capacity building establishment.) Under this establishment, he is always available to bring his ingenuity and depth in the area of personal development and leadership to fore for companies and at conferences. He has developed customized result driven intellectual property products such as, PASA Model, SWITCH, ILLUMOTIVATION and Leadership-plus among others. Pastor Peter Bolaji Ajisafe holds a Master of Science degree in Economics from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. He and his wife Temitope and their two daughters, OoreofeOluwami (God’sgrace) and OreOluwami (God’sgift) live in Ibadan, Nigeria. Peter Ajisafe is a man driven by one thing – result! He is of the opinion that, “if you stay in your area of calling, you will not stray away in life.”