Pretty Pieces

by Deeci Murphy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/24/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781796087123
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781796087093

About the Book

Pretty Pieces is a fresh banquet of poems to engage the mind and soothe the spirit. Tributes to Kobe Bryant and The Charlotte 9 are just appetizers in the well-rounded meal she presents. The meaty entrees pay homage to her Philly hometown with Wait in the City for Me and God’s Grace. Introspective refl ections on her personal battle with breast cancer are more than side dishes. Her insights challenge us to honor marriage, be honest with ourselves and those we say we love and of course, there’s always some humor to round out the poetic meal. Deeci continues to present poetry that is insightful and relevant. She remains unafraid to highlight today’s issues as well as write about those topics that resonate with the truths of everyday life in Philly, and everywhere else.

About the Author

Deeci Murphy is a Philadelphia poet, author, and educator. “Philly born and raised”, she has a unique perspective on her home town. “I don’t write about the dressed up City of Brotherly Love, I write about what Philly’s like when our company goes home”.