The Journey

A Prayer and a Promise

by Jerry Stinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781503545762
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9781503545755

About the Book

The Journey: A Prayer and a Promise is written by Jerry Stinson. This is based on a true story about two young people whose destiny is planned before they even knew about it; an answered prayer. And over the years, when this story is told, people will be amazed and touched by this heartwarming story and they’ll say, “This is what movies are made of, and this should be a book so that everyone can hear of this incredible journey.” And they have only heard part of it, so I have decided to share this with all. You will not be able to put this book down, and book two opens up yet another twist of fate, which will leave you wondering why and how.

About the Author

In the deepest part of southern Kentucky, some fifteen miles south of Monticello, tucked in the woods in a little one-room cabin with no electricity or running water in the early hours of a July, a young woman (my mom) went into labor. And with no car and no way of contacting a doctor, my dad ran up the dirt road and through the woods to the nearest house to get the old lady that lived there. And soon they returned, packing a kerosene lantern, telling my dad to boil some water as she prepared, and after a long night some time after 3:00 a.m. on July 13, 1959, my mom, at the young age of fifteen, had just gave birth to her third child—me, Jerry Wayne Stinson. And with no scales or measuring device, I never knew how much I weighed or how long I was. My mom struggled all night, and sometime during the night, she lost her wedding ring. And some two weeks later, a doctor stopped by to verify that I had indeed arrived so this could be documented for the record of birth. And in the coming years, I would be joined by seven more siblings, making it ten kids. And as the years went by, we moved to Newport, Kentucky. And since the age of seventy, I have rescued and saved over a dozen lives. I have received many awards that I am proud of and also took a lot hits from people, because as it would appear, I was always the first on the scene of an accident. Some people call me a hero or a guardian angel; others say it’s a curse maybe you cause them. But in the end, I am very proud of my accomplishments. And never hearing stories from my parents or grandparents of things they did when they were young, I decided to write books telling my stories so that my grandchildren, if I don’t live long enough to tell them, can read about just what kind of man there Paw paw was.