Holy Moly!!!What Is This!!!Have We Been Brain Wash???
I Me Myself Thought I Was a Christian
Book Details
About the Book
After you read this book, ask yourself these questions: Why did I join a religion? Why do I go to church? Do I really believe what the Bible says word for word and what my shepherd say it means? Do I really believe what I believe? Am I really born again God’s way or man’s way? Do I really know where I am going after this life is over? For all answer to all questions, read Matthew 6:6, Romans 10:13, Acts 2:38–39, Rev. 3:19–22 which is Matthew 7:7–14. Do this with a heavy heart, a hungry soul, a broken spirit, and a reasoning mind, then the fullness of God. Jesus will do the rest The fullness will fill your hungry soul for his (works) words. The fullness will give you a heart and spirit of love. The fullness will give you a mind of Christ which is faith in his words. All this happens when you are born again God’s way.