Power from the Word
Sunday Homilies for Cycle B
Book Details
About the Book
I have, through this compiled work, Power from the Word: Sunday Homilies for Cycle B, tried to make alive and active God’s Word to us through the liturgical readings for Sundays and Feast Days of the occurring year. The arrangement and methodology flow from those of Cycle A—Advent-Christmas-Lent-Easter-Ordinary Time-Feast Days. Through the homilies, I gave more consideration to what goes around our today’s human situations than how it happened when Jesus was walking alongside the streets of Judea and Galilee and working amongst people with different cultural settings. Nevertheless, his teachings and approaches are the indispensable yardstick. And this is what any homilist has to bear in mind, even when this book is considered worthwhile making reference to in preparing homilies for the People of God. Nonetheless, reading through the homilies of this presentation for personal reflection and growth in spirituality—outside the Sunday liturgy—is entirely a different thing. It could be a stitch on time!
About the Author
There is something unique, to say the least, about Fr. Donald's style of writing and approaches to issues. He has an admirable way of using his ideas and thoughts to lead his audience and readers from a broad spectrum of generalised truths and realities to a narrow, but definitely rewarding, path of interiorising with their personal experiences. It is his special tact of gently and gradually instilling consciousness in the minds of his admirers and thus bringing them to better relationships with themselves, with one another, and with the divine. I believe this is classic of him!