The View from Within
Book Details
About the Book
This book was prompted by many conversations between the author and medical personnel during his treatment for his stroke. In addition, the conversations with caretakers of stroke victims in the waiting rooms of outpatient therapy centers were particularly enlightening. It became apparent to the author that the clarity of his own memories and feelings during all aspects of his own stroke experience was not generally shared by other stroke victims. Their caretakers were eager to talk in detail about the psychological factors. It is hoped that this book may help bring clarity and understanding to moderate stroke victims who struggle with the nonphysical challenges.
About the Author
Although born in Milwaukee, the author grew up in Canada, in Edmonton and Vancouver. His college and adult years were spent in Texas, split between Houston and Dallas. He retired early from a banking career and now lives in Rockport, Texas. The Pacific Northwest instilled in him a love of the outdoors. Family traditions instilled in him a strong Christian emphasis that carried over into adulthood. An MBA was earned in Houston, and later in life, an advanced degree was earned at Dallas Theological Seminary in biblical studies. He hopes to spend the bulk of his retirement years back in the PNW (Pacific Northwest).