Seven Little Chickens and Their Big Adventure

by Amy Montana



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/19/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781524576943
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781524577681
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781524577698

About the Book

Seven Little Chickens and Their Big Adventure Amy is a loving little girl who adopts seven baby chicks. As they grow, Amy learns to take very good care of them. One day, the chicks are delighted to discover a magical ability—they can fly! The strange new world beyond the fence beckons them and they escape to explore this wonderful place. So their big adventure begins! Once, beyond the safety of their yard, they start to discover the strange new neighborhood around them, and they begin to meet curious new animals who live there. After talking with a toad, two dogs, and a cow, the chicks begin to grow tired. They long to go back home, but where is that? They had wandered too far. Amy is scared and worried without them, and she begins to call for them. And they can hear her! They run home as fast as they can to their happy little coop and the wonderful girl who loves them. They are so relieved to be home that they realize something very important. Even though their big adventure beyond the fence was very exciting indeed, in the end, it had its consequences. They vowed to never stray from home again!

About the Author

Amy Montana was born in Burlington, Vermont, and along with two older brothers, spent an idyllic early childhood in the country. She moved to Newton, Massachusetts, where she excelled in high school and continued her lifelong interest in writing. After attending Vassar College, where she majored in Psychology, English, and Secondary Education, she returned to her roots and now happily resides on four acres in rural Timberlake, North Carolina. Amy has three grown children and five wonderful grandchildren. She is widely accomplished in many domestic skills and crafts, and her interests include embroidery, sewing, cooking and baking, wine making and cheese making, and other down-to-earth pursuits. She lives contentedly with her three dogs and numerous chickens and adores simple country life. She is a prolific author and has previously published two novels and a memoir. This is her first foray into Children’s literature and will not be her last.