For those of you that are truly listing, there is a life force that is all around us and its ascents is made up of pure light and energy. Every human being on earth has access to it and it lies within each us. It is a renewable and natural resource, an Interracial part of nature that we were designed to use for our happiness well being and health.
And once we have learned to turn it on and willfully sustain it we can extend our lifespan, whale giving us the ability to have a higher quality of physical and mental health, whale becoming younger and live are lives free of the fear of developing some form of degenerative disease. So just like me, you can have what I have.
I want you to learn as I have learned that this life force life within us has a boundless capacity for self-healing. It is an electrical charge of nature that can regenerate every human cell in our body. This magical life force springs from a symbiotic interaction between our (Immune System) and the (Life-Affirming Nutrients of Nature) that can only be found in Living Organic Food.
My philosophy and ideology of (We are what we eat) and (The body’s ability to heal it self), is prescription that anyone can master and you have already started whale reading the pages.
232 total words
92 - The hate, love and anger that Blue held inside his soul was the source of his torment whenever he was in the “real world”. The battle that he had fought all his life was ending. He was and always had been a drug addict and alcoholic, struggling with his own personal demons. During his last years, his spirit guides made it clear to him that his time was getting closer, and they finally revealed to him that his death would be waiting for him as soon as he returned home to the Jungles Peru.
115 - Blue would often break into a rage of frustration and anger and scream at us to “FRIG OFF!!” He would yell: “I’m not your prophet, care taker, or mother. I’m not going to be your fucking babysitter for life, and I’m not going to continue to hold your hand. I’m not your cult leader or your messiah. I’m here to teach you to stand up, so start doing it! I’m just a teacher and a healer who’s not going to be here long, so listen up and learn. Stand up and get it or get out!” Many people would come and go, but only a few of us were allowed to stay until the end.
70 - I guess I never really knew him; I don’t believe anyone ever did, at least not the whole story. Not even his wife. Blue was not a prophet, messiah or god. The people he touched didn’t miraculously see or hear again or get out of a wheelchair and walk. He didn’t walk on water, and there wasn’t a light that shined from his face in the darkness of ceremony.
62 - Blue was every bit a man that I am and just as messed up, maybe even more so. The demons of his own mind and heart were at rage within him every day of his life right to the end. He saw the world with a different set of eyes that not only could see the “Real World” but also the “Spirit World”.
21 - The 125 Ayahuasca ceremonies that I was privilege to do with my Shaman Blue, were the greatest gifts of my life.
77 - I have been to many different ceremonies with many different shamans, sat at the feet of John of God in Brazil, traveled all around the world, and each ceremony carried its own color, flavor, meaning and understanding. Its own revelations and visions, but in all of my journeys, I have never met and will never again meet, anyone of this earth as extraordinary, powerful, caring and loving as the man I came to know as Blue.
125 - Blue did finally return to Peru and his prophecy of his death did come true. Something from the material world did reach out to him and take him, but at the very end it was with his own hand that he opened the door and let it come in. The story of me coming to Peru with Blue, of how he introduced me to the most important person in my life, the extraordinary gifts that I continued to receive, how I ended up in the jungle, my adventures living there, the story of Blues death, and what happened to the family that had followed him to Peru, I will give you in my next book: “Living in the Land of the Children of The Light”
42 - Through all the wonderful ceremonies that I attended, the journeys with Blue and Ayahuasca were filled with acceptance, awakening, rebirth, tenderness, love and understanding, crying, laughing, singing, dancing, hugging, kissing, praying, giving and receiving, and above all healing and learning.
67 - Learning about ourselves, learning about each other, learning about the world we live in and our place in it and how, with a little work on our part, that we might contribute back to it. To stand in the light, turn away from the darkness, learn to accept ourselves for who we are and love ourselves so that we could accept others and pass that love on.
37 - This was Blue’s journey; this was at his core. For some of us, it was an awakening, for others it was a new beginning and for a few of us, like me, it was a second chance.
59 - I’ll always remember back at the beginning, when I asked the Snake Oil Salesman what it was that he was really trying to sell me now, as he leaned over his little fox skin in the darkness, looked into my eyes and with a smile on his face he said, “L.O.V.E. Now sit back and SHUT THE FUCK UP.