A Partnership of Friends

by D H Park



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781524585006
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781524585013

About the Book

A drunken escapade in Las Vegas that results in a sudden marriage eventually leads to a life-changing occurrence for Patrick Armstrong in St. Simons Island Georgia. ‎Patrick’s chance encounter with Ben Jacobson on the Savannah waterfront brings about a friendship that would change his life forever. The sudden death of his father leaves Patrick alone with only his few close friends to rely on for support. Patrick’s life is a sequence of emotional ups and downs as he faces tremendous personal and business changes. Patrick and his friends Connor Dickinson and Matthew Benton form bonds stronger than brothers, coming to rely on each other for support. Growing lives and careers on St. Simons Island Georgia, the one constant is a deep commitment to their friendship. This is another heartwarming tale of the relationships of friends, emphasising the need to share our lives with others.

About the Author

As a human resources executive for over thirty years, the author brings an extensive background in working with and counseling people. The son of a newspaper journalist, Park grew up in a family where travel to the south was a regular occurrence. Drawing from personal experiences, family and friends, the characters are closely aligned to people who have come into his life over the years. Park strives to bring warmth, caring, and the importance of interpersonal connections to his writing. His successful books My Lifelong Friends and A Family of Friends have been well received with excellent on-line reviews. The author has lived most of his life in southwestern Ontario, close to the American border. His extensive travels have taken him throughout the world. Decades of travel and exploring the Georgia low country and northeast Florida coast led to the setting of A Partnership of Friends.