The Beginning Will Not Determine the Ending

by B.A. Pinkney



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/28/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781984509109
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781984509116

About the Book

God’s limited free will allows us, as human beings, to make many decisions and choices during our lifetime while here on earth. Once you reach your age of accountability, you begin to choose your friends, clothes to wear, food to eat, and places to visit. Later on, we can choose careers to pursue, schools to attend, lifetime mates, and where we want to live. Unfortunately for us, we cannot determine where we begin. We cannot choose where and to whom we are born. For if Ronnie McCain could have, I’m sure she would not have chosen to be born to an unwed sixteen-year-old in a small county town, not knowing who her biological father was.

About the Author

About the Author B.A. Pinkney is a retired federal employee and resides in Baltimore, Md. She has always had a passion for reading and writing. She won her first writing contest while an employee of the Veterans Administration, Baltimore, Md. The essay was entitled “What it means to be a Black Woman living in America.” In 2011, her short story was one of four chosen out of over a thousand entries to be published in a local magazine called “The Urbanite.” This is her first fiction novel. She has also written a children’s NAYA AND THE MAGIC WHITE HAT,” which is the first in her series of “The Magical Adventures of Childhood.”