Loving Memories

A Collection by Betty J. A. Barkley

by B.J. Barkley & With Tawnia Mitchell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/25/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781796062243
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781796062250
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781796062236

About the Book

This is a collection of my mother's experiences through her poems. Her journey from good and bad, happy and sad, are portrayed in this book. This book is published in her memory.

About the Author

My Mother She's a woman which I admired a lot, and I loved her all her life. My mother was not just my mom, she also was a friend, and my Spiritual Sister. I remember she helped me through trying times when I was growing up, and her and I together working out each issue as they came. She at many times had put me first, even before herself, teaching me to be a good person and mother myself having 2 sons later of my own and to 2 stepsons by marriage with my husband for near 30 yrs. Which with 4 sons and 6 grandchildren now ranging 20’s to near 13 years in age. A wonderful big family I share now with my husband alone. Losing 4 babies in her lifetime, I am very glad to be the one that lived and learned to survive from her love and care. I loved my mother very much, I lived through most of her loses. Every year through the months that each death occurred, her heart seems to brake once more, sometimes I would cry with her, and in silence for her. These steps in her life were brief, but in many ways grew closer in our relationship as mother and daughter. She was a fine teacher, Mom, friend and my spiritual sister, a sister in life growing up I didn't have (not that mom didn’t try) as you know. We started studying the BIBLE with a couple as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. My mom and I found our eyes being opened for the first time to understanding the knowledge and answers from the Bible. We were looking for many years before, I know my mom since she was 14 years old, and I since the age of 12 years of age. Really it is like a light bulb coming on... Knowledge ringing truth from the beginning of our studies… WOW, my life and moms really started improving so much through the years we had joy and happiness. Truth being showed to us from the Bible. That helped us to view life with real hope all... Later mom found out she had Breast Cancer, she endured treatments with help of myself and her grandsons. A year or so moving in with my husband and I. She continued writing all these many years of Poems to make her memories last forever. Mother passed on March 8, 2002. She fought her cancer for 11 years. Mom a sleep-in peace until resurrection. This book is to share her memories with all family and friends, and new friends to come.