Joe Peters is nobody special, he is just a normal guy who is married to Jane. They both live a simple but happy life.
All this changes one bright sunny day while on holiday, an encounter with something unexplainable changes Joe for the rest of his life, little do they both realize just how the whole world would be affected.
It has been several thousand years since the Legardean race found their first ‘Slave Race’, the ‘Retails’, these have provided all their needs, enabling them to prosper and grow. Now this race of servants is dying out, so the hunt started again, leading them to the earth. They have taken 50,000 humans but are in need of many more, so are coming back.
The Legardean nation is a proud majestic race; they are beautiful to the eye as they are tall and sleek. Their culture dictates that they are the supreme beings of the universe so therefore they have the right to claim all as subject to themselves. This has manifest it’s self mainly in their pursuit of pleasure to be free to do as they wish. Their technology allows for almost perfect DNA makeup, giving them long and full lives. Beauty and tranquillity are there aim, there world Gardea is a utopia.
Beneath this world of plenty and tranquillity lies the truth, ‘The Slave Race’. This race serves all the needs and wants of their host, they complete all the necessary tasks for life to go on. A race plucked from a distant planet, a race that had its own meaning and purpose. A young race that roamed free, growing, and learning about the world around them. They were pure and happy, but they now suffer from inbreeding and DNA manipulation, this has altered their bodies and minds so now they only know to serve.
The Retails live and die on the worlds of their masters, but time is catching them up. No longer can they reproduce naturally, and long since has their DNA become so diluted that clones are not viable.
The clock is ticking, and their masters know it…
The jewel, targeted by the visitors, within the dark vacuum of space is an unsuspecting world tied up within itself. It is overpopulated and consuming all-natural resources. Its inhabitants believe they are at the pinnacle of innovation and progress. Mankind sees no equal as the universe within its view, is barren of intelligent life.
This view has now been shattered as man realises it is the target of a technically advanced race with no morel constraints. It has had to pull as one, in the fight to continue as an independent world, in a universe only interested in survival.
The question has been answered, mankind is to be the next ‘Slave Race'. Only by putting its own petty needs to one side will it be able to come together and repel the aggressors.
Book excerpt:
Pete was by now back at his post, scanning the front row, as he did, he stopped, “What was that I saw a shimmer, there in the front row.”
His two aids moved in closer but shook their head, “No, can’t see anything.”
Pete heard the all-clear, and threw his hands in the air, “Why? Why is it clear? We haven’t found him!” Spinning around, he grabbed the direct phone link to the control centre, “It’s Pete, who has called all clear?”
The person on the other end asked him to wait as he was dealing with another call. Pete just stood there, now looking over his aids shoulder, “There, stop there, him, see him that oversized weightlifter sort of guy. Who’s ever seen a reporter look like that.”
In that second, he knew they had spotted the intruder, but it was too late. H3 clicking his communicator into the jamming mode and poised himself. All transmissions were now blocked. He now had about a ten-second window before it was realised. The party spread slightly, as they walked along the five-metre red carpet, six agents, including Pierre, surrounded the family. Pierre though, had positioned himself directly next to the wife and two children, they were his charge. The crowd were shouting and applauding as they approached, the first family were waving, utterly unaware of any danger. At that moment Pierre saw it, a lightning move of a shimmering body, dropping down some two metres away. Both hands had something clasped in them, realising the danger Pierre pushed the wife and baby boy forward and across, toward the blast panel that had been erected. She stumbled, but, with the immense force, Pierre had used, dropped, and rolled with the baby behind the screen. The first of the canisters rolled into the front part of the party, exploding with a devastating force. It ripped away the two agents directly covering the president. The rest of the blast threw the president back, snapping his neck as it did. He crumpled like a rag doll into the podium and back into the blast shield. Pierre recovering from the blast wiped his face of his own and agents’ blood. He now saw what was about to follow, so he grabbed Marie. Spinning around and gathering her into his arms, burying her face into his shoulder, not before looking directly into her eyes. The horror of it all was there to be seen, somehow, she had been in a clear zone of the blasts touch, so was covered in others blood. He dived at the oncoming assailant, H3 was surprised by this move, but not stopped, as he swiftly side-stepped the bodies coming his way and released the second charge. This time the blast decimated the bodies left on the stage. The blast screen collapsed, and only the deflection of this blast, due to the screen, spared the president’s wife and baby son.