18th & 19th Century Afro-American Poets and i

by Prince Adewale Oreshade



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/17/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781796066265
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781796066258

About the Book

18th & 19th Century Afro-American Poets and i is a reminder, and an attempt to bring to the present minds, the memory of the past minds, perhaps, if reminded of their lives and struggles, it may help reshape the fabric of the future. It should never be forgotten, that contrary to popular belief, written poetry started among Afro-Americans in America as far back as the 18th century when these phenomenal pioneer poets were still slaves. These front-runners were published in newspapers across the United States, United Kingdom and the world at large. These poets, while chained, published books of poetry; books that were sold across the world. Attached to each poem is a poem that I wrote in some cases to respond and in others, I attempted to tap into the mind of the poet, and write what the poet may have written were the poet alive today. And some of the poems I wrote are outright odes, elegies, and ballads that didn't necessarily respond or tap into the mind of the poet, but they were just a free expression of the muse. This project seeks to bring these legends alive, to make them live and write to the 21st century audience. Also, it aims to bring into the conscience of the present black poet the determination and perseverance of those outstanding poets who have come and gone before us.

About the Author

A poet with his love of words; a lawyer with his love for truth; a database administrator with his love for order; an artist with his love for abstract expressionism; an artisan with his love for precision; a soldier with his love for peace; a medical technician with his love for the self; a son, husband and father with his love for love, family and community; a black man in America that is ready, willing and able to put his skills and experiences through Africa, Asia and North America to alleviate the plight of the mind.