The View From Kings Point

The Kings Point Creative Writers Club Anthology, 2020

by Editor Edward R. Levenson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/3/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 390
ISBN : 9781664132375
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 390
ISBN : 9781664132368
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 390
ISBN : 9781664132382

About the Book

The View From Kings Point: The Kings Point Creative Writers Club Anthology, 2020 has arrived! Inside these covers are portfolios of 20 gifted writers in a 55+ South Florida condo community—“your senior citizens next door”—of astonishing versatility, variety, range, scope, literary acumen, and psychological depth in many different genres, such as Humor, Fiction, Memoirs, Mystery, and Poetry. Open anywhere you choose and start from there. You won’t be able to put the book down! See the “Preface” for an overview of the book and introductions to our shining stars.

About the Author

Edward/Eddie grew up in Roxbury and Brighton in “Boston Proper” (that is, within Boston’s city limits), Massachusetts. After graduating from Boston Latin School, he received undergraduate degrees in Jewish Education and Classics (Greek and Latin Literature) and graduate degrees in Ancient and Jewish History, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, and Educational Administration. He taught Hebrew Language and Jewish History in college and Hebrew Scriptures in graduate school before he retracked into teaching Latin and Social Studies in high school. He relocated in 2015 from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Delray Beach, Florida, where he has been fulfilled, in retirement, in a second career as a writer. In these last five years he has published three anthologies and four multi-genres books. His Personae of Ed: Literary, Psychological, and Spiritual is in the works. A newlywed of four years to prolific writer Reva Spiro Luxenberg, he has edited eight of her books. He is a proud member and officer of our Kings Point Creative Writers Club and Kings Point Writers Club Supplementary, considering them models for emulation.