by Spencer Grin & Asher Hey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/6/2020

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781664137387
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781664137370
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781664137363

About the Book

Biography of Myles Horton, Father of the Civil Rights Movement, and historic events in the march in the USA toward Civil Rights. (add the endorsement) “ A must read about a remarkable man, Myles Horton, who was the inspiration for many civil right’s leaders including Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King”. Deborah Shlian MD. MBA. Award Winning Author and Literary Judge

About the Author

Spencer Grin, J.D. Ph.D. was the founder of World Magazine and publisher of The Saturday Review magazine whose readership reached more than 3 million readers. He also was President of the National Society for Arts and Literature. Spencer Grin, like Myles Horton, has fought throughout his life, for equal justice, protection of our environment and planet, and an end to racism and inequality in order to form a more perfect union; which alas, still has miles to go. Asher Hey, is a student at the Garland School in Denver, Colorado. Among his many interests; he is a history and biology buff, and a firm believer in justice and equality for all people. He is on the Board of Directors of the Young Americans Bank where every person is treated with dignity and respect and given equal access and opportunity. After he started research for this book; he was surprised to learn how few people knew who Myles Horton was, nor anything about how he planted the seeds of the civil rights movement and fought for many good causes. The Highlander School he founded has faced many challenges and threats each decade; but undaunted has remained in operation in the South for 85 years to the present day. Asher’s passion has been to shine a spotlight on the example set by Myles Horton, the Father of the Civil Rights Movement, and to illuminate the path he blazed for the nation and the world.