Hunter the Huntsman

by Kerryn Lloyd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/21/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781984508003
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781984508010

About the Book

Hunter the Huntsman is a fun tale about Hunter, a feisty ‘kid spider’ who, “sort of listens, but not really.” The energetic plot reflects curious ‘kid thinking’ – wanting to do something which seems out of bounds. An unexpected mishap opens the door, to our brave character’s wish. Suddenly tossed into an unfamiliar adventure, our lovable little guy simply, must stay calm and resilient. A gold thread weaves anxiety and overcoming into the story and fun, furtive spider facts are spun into the journey. Hunter the Huntsman is designed to inspire healthy awareness of our harmless arachnid friends to my audience of children 4-11, and their adult readers.

About the Author

Transforming true life antics and human emotion into fun whimsical stories, is Kerryn’s passion. Her inspiration for writing originates from raising her four children and their families, alongside two decades working with children in education. Their joyful curiosity, creative imaginations, and hunger to learn, motivates her storytelling. Kerryn’s engaging stories promote family laughter, stimulate ‘kid questions’ and provide enjoyment, even after the book is closed. Kerryn uses an adventurous animal-protagonist and a fun melding of furtive facts to engage her audience, and their adult readers. She believes children are clever and appreciate sound literature which confidently encourages them throughout life’s challenges, and into their bright futures. Kerryn and her husband live on a property in South Australia where they enjoy sharing visits from their grandchildren with their inspiring residents: 1 dog, 1 goat, 2 horses, 5 lambs and 32 sheep, beautiful birds, and spiders! Hunter the Huntsman is Hunter’s debut story into the book world.