by Judy Chen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/13/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9781669813897
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9781669813880

About the Book

《Diabetics Self Health Care》 is the English version of the Chinese version of《Diabetic Health-Care》The author is a diabetic patient with a history of more than 20 years. She actively seeks effective ways to stabilize blood sugar and improve physical health based on her own disease experience. The author of book explain how to use effective methods to treat diabetes from a new perspective. This is a book unlike any other about diabetes, first of all to help people understand the functional connections between the body and various organs. In this book, the author consults and introduces a lot of health care knowledge. The author of the book emphasizes the need to eliminate toxins and dampness in the body, enrich qi, blood and body fluids, balance yin and yang in the body, improve one's own immunity, and increase auxiliary treatments such as diet, exercise, and acupoint massage. The author emphasizes the 7 essential substances that the human body needs, such as water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and cellulose. And the role and efficacy of these substances in the body. Diabetes is not terrible, but it will bring all kinds of terrible complications, such as heart disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver and kidney damage, diabetic foot, blindness and so on. To this end, the author tries to do what diabetes likes to do, she establishes good living habits, maintains the acid-base balance in the body, and minimizes complications or self-help methods without complications. Now the author's body has entered a new virtuous cycle, coexisting with diabetes, and establishing a new balance mechanism in the body. To that end, she shares her experience with diabetics and all people in need.

About the Author

Judy chen was born in China and now lives in Canada. Published two unique documentary love books 《Fairy tale rising"》and 《When you believe》 and a Chinese version of 《Diabetic Health- Care 》 written based on her own disease experience.