RED KNEE …. Itsy, bitsy SPIDER

by Kenneth Andrew Bauman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/21/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781669821656
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781669821649
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781669821632

About the Book

Author Kenneth Andrew Bauman takes on a journey of discovery that appears to be a solution to the Beale Treasure story and more. This information may change the way one views the Beale Treasure. The story begins with the inheritance of a strange sword. In Red Knee….itsy, bitsy Spider, Kenneth Andrew Bauman leads his readers on a ''history highway'' leading to a suspected national treasure hidden originally by privateer Captain John MacPherson and Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ''Literary steganography,'' or what is secret writing, is introduced through an involved research project that identifies a hidden Edgar Allan Poe missive and a solution to two mysteries: the Beale Papers treasure location (other than the Virginia hills) and the suggestion that Sir Francis Bacon (and others) authored the Sonnets attributed to Shakespeare, as they contain hidden literary steganography narrative. Kenneth Andrew Bauman's Red Knee….itsy, bitsy Spider contains exhaustive research on the complexity of cryptography & steganography and reveals explosive historical national secrets that, deemed credible, will turn history around. The poetry contained in Red Knee….itsy, bitsy Spider very well may soothe the mind. Enter into an enthusiastic journey of discovery and meet Mr. LeGrand! In Red Knee. itsy, bitsy Spider, Kenneth Andrew Bauman introduces his readers to the mysterious Mr. LeGrand, who comes from a strange country and possesses a special insight into the power of words. Mr. LeGrand has escaped from the land known as Allied Zombies United, or AZU, where the culture has been compromised by an evil influence. But Mr. LeGrand has retained his belief that knowledge is power, as symbolized by the Sword of Power. Mr. LeGrand is able to unlock the hidden meaning of words and explains steganography, that of which Edgar Allan Poe was masterful.

About the Author