Middle School Mari V
Stop That, It's Weird
Book Details
About the Book
A story set in the beginning of the 1990's of a young girl trying to figure out her place in her family, her new school, and the world. In the 90's middle schools had not developed yet, most places still had junior highs. As a Military brat Mari must move every 3-4 years. She is the middle child of a Puerto Rican family moving from Hawaii to New York. Her new school and age are leading her into adolescence, crushes, conflicts with family and friends, as well as confusion. Feeling out of place and awkward turns out to be a normal emotion for Mari as she embraces weirdness as a quirky character trait.
About the Author
Marievil Rodriguez-Keever is a Military spouse and mother of three beautiful children. She is a Certified School teacher who has earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from The InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico and her Master of Science in Psychology from the University of Phoenix. As part of the military community, she was reminded of some of the best and goofy parts of her childhood. As a teacher she knows that most kids are at different stages of their growth as they begin middle school. Education, relationships, family, and community all play a role in the development of a child. Growing up as a military child she learned how to adapt to different environments, people, and educational changes.