by Tony "T-Soul" Hughes & Billie Holiday Hughes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/22/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9798369427422
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9798369427415

About the Book

For 16 years, like the colors of a rainbow, Tony “T-Soul” Hughes found beauty, pain, hope, empathy, inspiration, sadness, peace and enlightenment in spite of his diagnosis. It is a rarity to mentally inhale an individual’s private thoughts during internal physical chaos, mind spinning thoughts and uncertainty. T-Soul’s poetry and excerpts of his beautiful well thought mind spills carefully onto the page, as he fought to survive and live in peace simultaneously while a warring faction resided inside him. As his body transformed, so did his mind, into a poignant outpouring of emotions. It produced an unyielding higher elevation of self-reflection, admiration, a deeper relationship with God, adorning thoughts of family, pathways chosen, and unfulfilled dreams. Tony unlocked his freedom in truth on the page crowning his life’s trials and triumphs self-guided with faith towards an uncertain future.

About the Author

Tony “T-Soul” Hughes was raised on the south side of Chicago IL in Altgeld Gardens, by a single Mother with his two siblings. Tony loved to write, animals, and too dance to House Music. He started his collegiate studies at Chicago State University in Biology. He would often bless family and friends with poems and short stories. In 1990 at the age of 23 He was diagnosed with HIV. He would write in his journal about his journey with HIV for 16 years. Tony transitioned in 2010 from complications due to HIV at the age of 40. His ashes were released in Monroe, Louisiana. The power of eleven and T-SouL He was the eleventh Grandchild Born the eleventh month Born the eleventh hour Insurance was purchased at eleven years old During a spiritual experience was given eleven cent from a male child Transcended this world the eleventh day During his ashes release family member found eleven cents near his final resting place Billie Holiday Hughes was raised on the south side of Chicago IL in Altgeld Gardens, by a single Mother with her two brothers. Billie Holiday was given the name by her older brother Tony. She started her collegiate studies at College of Dupage in FIlm/TV. She started her career in TV in 2016 in the Locations Department. Billie never gave up on her brother Tony’s dream, to be a published author. Now her dream is to live out his Dream. 15 years in the making DANCING WITH HIV.