Medicine and Spirituality

The Encounter of the 21st Century

by Peter Roche de Coppens



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 14/06/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781413440034

About the Book

We are now living at a truly extraordinary period of time when human consciousness is undergoing a fundamental quantitative and qualitative transformation. All the social institutions that, for so long, were the “cradle” of human nature and civilized life are now crumbling, medicine and health-care in particular which are becoming evermore expensive and dangerous! The dangers and opportunities involved have never been greater. A new conception of knowledge, human nature, health, illness, and healing in particular, are slowly emerging, being rooted in a holistic perspective that recognizes and integrates the physical, the human, and the spiritual dimensions. Integrating the teachings of the spiritual tradition, of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and of Psychosynthesis, as well as that of outstanding medical doctors and healers he encountered and worked with, and of his personal experience, the author has attempted to develop an integrated theoretical perspective and a practical framework to link medicine and spirituality. For several years, he has been giving lectures and workshops on this subject at various international centers seeking to resolve the great “paradox of medicine”: the fact that, from time immemorial, Saints, Sages, and authentic healers were able to be instruments for complete and lasting healings of all known forms of pathology without medical training or clinical experience. How can we rationally understand this and benefit from it? This is what this book is all about!

About the Author

Peter Roche de Coppens has dedicated more than 50 years of his life and all of his inner and outer resources to the study of spirituality and the awakening of spiritual consciousness. This he applied to sociology, psychology, psychotherapy, education and finally healthcare and medicine. It was Prayer, which he learned from Saints and Sages as well as his own research that helped him heal from a severe motorcycle accident in his early twenties. This led him to study different medical approaches and paradigms to finally systematically introduce the spiritual dimension and consciousness to bring about a new and more integral healthcare paradigm. With degrees in sociology, anthropology and psychotherapy, Dr. Roche de Coppens has taught for more than 35 years at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania where he is still active as a Professor Emeritus. He also taught at other universities, including the Sorbonne (Paris), McGill (Montreal) and the University of Bari (Bari, Italy). He was a spiritual consultant for the United Nations and now is still active as a spiritual consultant for Guna, Italy. He has authored more than 80 books and numerous articles in English, French and Italian.