How to Heal Your Broken Heart

A Cardiologist’s Secrets For Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

by Kirk Laman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/10/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 131
ISBN : 9781465375025
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 131
ISBN : 9781465375032

About the Book

Is your heart suffering- emotionally, physically, or spiritually? Would you like to learn how to release the sadness and pain that trouble you? “ How to Heal Your Broken Heart- A Cardiologist’s Secrets for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Health,” By Dr. Kirk Laman can take you where you want to go. When Andrea first came to see Dr. Laman her life was in shambles. She had just suffered a heart attack and was emotionally and psychologically drained. Yet, amazingly she was able to quickly turn her life around by using a technique called Practicing Remembrance- a powerful healing method for rejuvenating the heart. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Kirk Laman combines his cardiology knowledge with the centuries old Sufi Practice of Remembrance of God to open a new pathway towards healing. You won’t want to miss this incredible journey-a journey that could forever change your life.

About the Author