Catalysts for Your Prayers

Over 300 inspired prayer catalysts to activate your prayers to the next level and to reveal in your spirit the deeper things of God.




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/02/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 81
ISBN : 9781469155005
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 81
ISBN : 9781469154992

About the Book

This book provides the basic understanding of prayer with over 300 prayers, aiming to encourage and support people to be engaged in prayer, to grow in their prayer life and to develop their Christian character. These prayers are simple, inspired, and real as they are packed with God’s Word, cover Christian themes, and include all needs. The true desire of the author is that each prayer in the book will act like a catalyst to activate one’s faith, enabling one to offer prayers with confidence and understanding, and to experience the release of God’s power.

About the Author

Hameeda has lived in the United Kingdom for many years but still remembers and honours the cuisine of India. She is a faithful and enthusiastic Christian who has long been a member of the United Benefice of St Paul’s and St Mary’s in Surrey and often arrives at church events and Bible Study groups with wonderful aromatic dishes. A gifted and experienced science teacher as well as an expert cook, Hameeda works hard to harmonise traditional Indian recipes with ingredients easily available over here and thinks carefully about what is most appropriate to the occasion and the friends, family or larger church groups to be fed. She has made lamb dishes and the unleavened bread for our Maundy Thursday celebration of the Last Supper, as well as samosas and pakoras for fellowship meals and parties. All she does is offered with love and prayer, a sense of tradition and an awareness of what is good and healthy for both body and soul! I have much pleasure in commending her book, ‘Healthy Indian recipes –Ultimate cooking guide’ and look forward to trying the recipes myself.