Going Towards The Nature Is Going Towards The Health

by Shaman Melodie McBride



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/07/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 141
ISBN : 9781477142202
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 141
ISBN : 9781477142196
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 141
ISBN : 9781477142189

About the Book

When I think about what Yoga has contributed to my Life, there are many aspects that enter my mind. I truly think of an Ajarn and two wonderful Doctors that live this life so completely that even their perception in this book will be a revelation for some. It was for me. I give Gratitude to these wonderful individuals. For me the Yogic way of life is about the flow. It is allowing a moment by movement into your days. When you read this book, remember that your first read will be emotional and the second analytical. It will take you through the structure of changing your days by focusing on the mind body connection with the Spirit directing your manifestations in a positive way that is for your greatest good and higher purpose. It has been a journey of self, and continues to be. Once you read this book and begin to practice the traditional and cultural, yes I said cultural, methods of adaptation of self, you will begin to discover who the true “you” can become. The Doctors’ Yardi and I have developed this book to teach Ayurveda for the world. We will cover chanting, Asanas, Ayurveda Body Typing, nutrition, concepts of Yoga, philosophy of Ayurveda, medical effects on the body, Pranayama, meditation, and more. We will then tie it all together with the Spiritual influence that will be felt in the frequency of the body as it raises your awareness. Evolution has, to date, meant extinction to most species, but Ayurveda has always survived. It is a way of life, a science, called YOG!

About the Author

Shaman Melodie McBride Instructor and Advanced Yoga Certifications from Yoga Vidya Gurukul Ashram/School in Timbak, Nashik, India. Melodie holds an Associate’s Degree in Applied Sciences specializing in electronics, harmonic and vibrational therapy practices. Shaman M, has a triple Mastership in Usui/Tibetan/ Karuna Reiki through the International Reiki Institute, 30 years as a Herbologist, amazing intuitive ability, and is Deplumed in Fixed Star Astrology to assist her clients in formulating and executing their own personal wellness plans. Dr. Ashutosh Yardi M.D. (Ayurved) .Doctor of Medicine (Ayu. Kayachikitsa) B.A.M.S. (University of Pune) Consulting Ayurvedic Physician, Nashik, India. Associate Professor in Ayurveda college. He has years of experience and dedication in the field of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy. He gives lectures and presentations to various institutions, international workshops and in the Maharashtra University of Health sciences. Co-editor of the Ayurveda Magazine; Ayurved Patrika. Author and Editor of various books. Received various Honors and Awards for his work. Visited abroad for propagation of Ayurveda. Dr. Mrs. Anagha Yardi B.A.M.S.—Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicines & Surgery Ayurvedacharya, University of Pune Consulting Ayurved Physician, Specialty in Panchkarma, Herbal remedy, Diet, Mental health, Herbal skin care, Ayurvedic Gynecology Received “Ideal Woman Award” and honored by the Health minister on Women’s Day Visited Japan and Singapore for lectures and demonstrations on Ayurveda and Diet for Japanese Doctors and Yoga students.