by T. Ursula Green



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/03/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781514450109
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781514450086
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781514450093

About the Book

For every artist, they all have stories to share on how their talent will reach many realms of society and it takes True Dedication, when traveling the journey. Many doors may open and close, their creativity is having faith in one’s abilities. In order to persevere; they must willingly display mental Confidence. Whether a person Sings, Raps, Writes, Paints or Creates anything that is artistic, no one is more ambitious than an INDEPENDENT ARTIST. This book is dedicated to everyone that allowed me to write their story, which is based off the individuals Biography. For some, it is a hobby and for others it is their LIFE. ---T Ursula Green

About the Author

T. URSULA GREEN, is the mother of an adult daughter (Yvette) who is highly talented and gifted in Theater and she does amazing work, in all areas as a performing actress, they are both natives of California.. Although, T. Ursula had many different careers in her adult life, writing was just a past time. After turning 50, she decided to continue with her writing and self publish her work. Now age 55, (Independent Mics), is her third book and the other two are poetry; Conversations from the heart and Tupac Equals the Outlawz of Mic and Men, both books received great reviews from the readers. Due to the lack of acknowledgement and support for other talented people, this book was written to help every unheard and unseen talent that is out there and every artist that has a story on how music changed their lives. The stories were provided by the individuals Bio’s and then rewritten for this book. Some of the subjects she actually knows, but the majority are people that she met on social media and they all deserve a great deal of recognition. The current book, that she is writing, or should we say finishing is titled; The Wrong time of Day. The book is filled with mystery, cheating boyfriend and a twist that will knock your socks off!. As we wish nothing but the best, for each artist, we also wish T. Ursula Green the same, she too is an Independent Mic, that deserves her writing to be read.