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Life has taught me that you cannot give what you do not have. You cannot empower unless you are empowered yourself. You must be fluent in the Word of God in case an emergent Christian needs wisdom. Be in a relationship with God; both by talking and listening to Him, so that when someone needs to know what God is saying, you can direct him or her to hear from Him. Remember, Paul told Timothy to be an example for the believers.
Above all men of Faith, respect each other and listen with empathy, it is not a battle of words. You all come from different backgrounds and strengths. One of the admonitions to you is to choose your words carefully and not cause offense. Do not let words fly out of your mouth, because they come to mind, but study so that you can have a deeper understanding and can sharpen the countenance of others.
The Bible defines Faith as, confidence in what you hope for, and the assurance that God is working, even though you cannot see it. Faith knows that no matter what the circumstance in your life, that God is working in it. The Hebrew word for Faith is “emunah” which means “support.” I consider this a true reflection because we are under the support of God His glory. Faith is also full and open confidence in God, in His love for you, and in His power to help you in whatever comes your way in life.
Becoming a man of Faith with Destiny has been written by a woman especially for men who want to make the most of their time with God. The chapters of the book focus on the presence of God in their lives, refresh, reassure, empower, enrich, and encourage a deeper level of Christian Faith. God is near to all those who seek Him. Enjoy shelter, protection, peace, and joy as you Lead your Teenager Son to Manhood.
The heartbeat of this book is wrapped in changing your mindset, do battle, and start winning. You will learn how to use the Word of God, how to love your wife in a way that is meaningful to her and for singles, you will learn to be faithful to your wife before you meet her. You will stop giving ground to the enemy, believing the lies of the enemy, and become the man of Faith God is calling you to be. You will discover the riches of God’s Grace in your life. Begin to walk in integrity, humility, holiness, and honour.
It is possible for you to build your spiritual endurance. As you are reading this chapter now, you might be feeling that your spiritual endurance is low. Let me remind you, it is nothing to be ashamed of. We all have seasons in our lives when we feel like we cannot endure. To endure in the season of adversity you need to go on when everything says no, but it is important to complete a mission in life. This fruit of the spirit makes life so great. Instead of living in continuous emotional instability, the person that is long-suffering looks at the long term and not just temporary fulfilment.
Without self-control, men, we will never get anywhere in life and in spiritual development. I love the words of Paul 1 Timothy (4:7-8) concerning spiritual self-control men should consider when he says; “Train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” The word “train” originates from the Greek word from which we derive gymnasium. This simply means that the book “Becoming a man of Faith with Destiny” is inviting all men into Gym of God to some discomfort and unlimited advantage!
In my culture, when the boy is between twelve and fifteen years of age, he would be taken for initiation during June when it is cold. At the initiation school, he will be taught a way of doing things in a different way that a boy must pass through before becoming a man. I have interacted with many young boys who are far more matured than grown adult men. Another good example is one of my sons who stood for righteousness until he got married without messing himself around. He acted in strength and obeyed the Word God. I regarded that my son passed the manhood stage with flying colors. Until today, he treats women with honour, he respects his parents and the parents of his wife, and he is willing to share the Word, among many other things which require Obedience, Faith, and strength.
Today's children are challenged with a lack of devout examples in a society that is moving toward stubborn Faith in God. But here is the good news: There are things you can do to teach your children about God as you share your faith with them along the way. When my husband and I got married we were from different churches namely Methodist Church of Southern Africa (my late husband Dr Aaron Ravhudzulo grew up in this church) and African Gospel Church (where I grew in Faith).
It is necessary to start sharing your faith early in the lives of your children. Partaking in a Christian church shows your children the importance of spending time with God and other believers is significant. Reading the Bible with your children in a way that causes it to come alive for them is shows that you are sharing your faith. My husband would lead family devotions and Bible reading in our weekly program. Some days he would make me share the Scripture reading, then some other days our four sons will rotate. The legacy is continuing to our grandchildren.
Remember, adversity coming into your life is biblical, God allowed it to strengthen you. You might feel overwhelmed, struggling with an unbearable condition that has come into your life or member of your family. God wants you to go deeper with Him instead of allowing resentment to creep into your heart. No one can avoid adversity in this life full of hurts, disappointments, and discouragements. Life has taught me that adversity is something we all face to one degree or another in our lives. It does not matter who you are, where you come from or your life background, we all face difficulties.