Radio Interview
Harness the power of the airwaves to promote your book.
Online Interview
An online radio interview can do wonders for your book's marketing campaign. Connect with your readers on the airwaves and reach a wider audience. Increasing your book's readership potential and giving you that powerful marketing push.
Radio Book Talk
Introduce your book to the literary world with Emmy Award-winning host, Kate Delaney. Plus, reach out to more interested readers through these two bookish podcasts—Books on Air and Newsgram.
Interview on Alluring Reads
Share the writing journey of your steamy romance novel, or the thought process of your adult self-help book through Alluring Reads, a podcast series dedicated to highlight new adult fiction authors.
Audio Snip
The Audio Snip Package serves as an audio trailer of published books to promote its presence and inform your audience where they can purchase it. With this service, you can take your story to the airwaves and talk about it yourself.
Radio Snip
Advertise your book in the audio format with our Radio Snip package. You get a 30-second audio teaser for your book, which we'll air twice on a syndicated radio network.