The Day After Tomorrow

by Dame Darlene Azar Rubinoff



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 4/13/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 167
ISBN : 9781436389426
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 167
ISBN : 9781436389433

About the Book

Day After Tomorrow is a novel written on the premise that day after tomorrow never comes. The moral of the story is not to wait, for it may be too late. Such is the love of Darcy Drum, a teenage college student and her true love, Professor Amahl Abdula. Amahl Abdula is thirty five, a professor of mathematics at Ohio State University and a professed Atheist. The story opens at the Olentangy River’s edge. Darcy is reading poetry to Amahl, and he is helping her with equations. Darcy has just presented Amahl with a small book of poetry, an excerpt from the Song of Solomon. The little book is destined to save his life in the jungles of Guam. In the first chapter, the wedding is planned and they are to meet at the altar day after tomorrow. The day before the wedding, Amahl finds out from his old family doctor that he had mumps as a child making him sterile. He knows that Darcy wants children, so he leaves her at the altar and goes off to Texas to join the Air Force. Paul Stein, the best man and her childhood sweetheart, talks Darcy into marrying him. Darcy Drum marries Paul Stein, the boy next door. Amahl goes to fight in the Philippines and Guam. He becomes a World War II fighting Ace. He is shot down and believed dead. A Lebanese doctor, Jamelle Jacobs, who is an only daughter with five brothers, is trying to lose her identity by passing as a Jewish doctor. She believes that when you say Lebanese, people see tents and women as second class citizens. Doctor Jamelle Jacobs saves Amahl’s life, but he is never expected to walk again. They become emotionally involved but decide they are too much alike to marry. Jamelle surmises that Amahl is still in love with Darcy Drum. Doctor Jamelle Jacobs, still posing as a Jew, goes with Golda Meir to build a new country. While there, a young Lebanese flyer is captured. He is badly hurt. She saves his life. She is drawn to the intense young flyer, Saad Fahad, who is old beyond his years. She falls in love with the younger man and helps him escape to his own country. Jamelle follows Saad to the mountains of Lebanon. They are married and honeymoon among the beautiful cedars of Lebanon. Saad goes off to fight against Golda Meir and dies in the Yom Kipper War. Jamelle returns to the United States to have Saad’s child. She has found her identity and is proud of her Arab ancestry. She returns to Lebanon to take little Saad to meet his family. She is drawn to an older man, Franz Conrad. He is a famous author with a bad leg, hurt in a hunting expedition in Africa. Doctor JAmelle saves his leg. They are marries. She is surprised by his wealth and the circle of friends from all over Europe. She surprises the author by conceiving his child. There are other characters who interact with Amahl Abdula and make for several exciting chapters on drugs and San Francisco’s hippie population of the forties. After Amahl Abdula recovers, he receives professorship at Berkeley University. He becomes a loner and spends his time building his dream house for his lost love, Darcy Drum.

About the Author

Dame Darlene Azar Rubinoff is a native of Columbus, Ohio. She is a poet, Author and Inventor with U.S. Patents. Dame Rubinoff is the widow of Rubinoff and His Violin as he was billed on Broadway and in the Movies. She is the author of Dance of the Russian Peasant a biography of her late husband. She traveled extensively with the Maestro. She met many interesting people with concretizing. She has many stories to tell. Dame Rubinoff attend Ohio State University, Rice University, and St. Thomas University of Houston, Texas. Dame Rubinoff’s latest books Vision 2020 / A Matriarch World and, The Deadly Cure are in book stores. Excerpts of these books may be found on the web. Day After Tomorrow a story set in World War II and What Happened To Monday A story about Alzheimers will be out soon. Dame Rubinoff serves on the Board of Directors of three Symphonies. Her favorite is Virtousi of Houston. She was leading lady of Virtousi in 2000. She was Guest of Honor at the opening of the Opera Elizabeth of Russia in Sarasota, Florida and at St. Petersburg’s Bi-Centennial in May of 2003. She now resides in Houston, Texas, close to her children and grandchildren. She says: If I must die, let it be to beautiful music.