What Happened to Monday?

by Dame Darlene Azar Rubinoff



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 4/27/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781441511843
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781441511836

About the Book

What Happened To Monday? This is the story of love and great devotion between a Grandmother, Vista Conrad and her Granddaughter Nickoel Conrad. A story about Alzheimer and how the disease effects a family. Vista Conrad gets lost in San Francisco. In her confused state of mind she charms an older man. They are married and go to Israel on their honeymoon. Vista’s new husband is a foreign diplomat. He is carrying a secret dossier. He is murdered in Haifa, and Vista forgets again who she is. Vista Conrad finds her way to Los Angeles. She is befriended by a policeman, Andy Elias. He knows Vista is not who she says she is and tries to find her in missing persons. Andy takes Vista shopping and loses her in a department store. Vista ends up as a bag woman in Hollywood. She is befriended by Ruby who sees Vista’s jewelry as an asset, and will get them food for sometime. Ruby does not let Vista out of her sight and ties her wrist to hers, as she makes Vista sleep behind her in the wide doorways of Sunset Boulevard. Vista does not know her name, and because Vista likes big hats and sun glasses, Ruby calls her, Greta Garbo. The Conrad family believes mother Conrad is dead.. Nickoel believes her grandmother is alive. She travels to San Francisco and to Israel, searching for her. There is a poignant ending to this story of faithful love between a grandmother and granddaughter.

About the Author

Dame Darlene Azar Rubinoff is a native of Columbus, Ohio. She is a poet, Author and Inventor with U.S. Patents. Dame Rubinoff is the widow of Rubinoff and His Violin as he was billed on Broadway and in the Movies. She is the author of Dance of the Russian Peasant a biography of her late husband. She traveled extensively with the Maestro. She met many interesting people with concretizing. She has many stories to tell. Dame Rubinoff attend Ohio State University, Rice University, and St. Thomas University of Houston, Texas. Dame Rubinoff’s latest books Vision 2020 / A Matriarch World and, The Deadly Cure are in book stores. Excerpts of these books may be found on the web. Day After Tomorrow a story set in World War II and What Happened To Monday A story about Alzheimers will be out soon. Dame Rubinoff serves on the Board of Directors of three Symphonies. Her favorite is Virtousi of Houston. She was leading lady of Virtousi in 2000. She was Guest of Honor at the opening of the Opera Elizabeth of Russia in Sarasota, Florida and at St. Petersburg’s Bi-Centennial in May of 2003. She now resides in Houston, Texas, close to her children and grandchildren. She says: If I must die, let it be to beautiful music.