Leila’s & Kim’s Pre-College Vocabulary in Context & Properly Graded Grammar Workbook-2 Levels One – Six for Japanese-Chinese-South America-Korean-Arab & English Speaking-College Seekers

Pre-college Vocabulary in Context & Properly Graded Grammar Workbook-2 Levels One – Six for Japanese-Chinese-South American- Korean-Arab & English . Speaking-College Seekers

by Sam Christian



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/30/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 809
ISBN : 9781483697512
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 809
ISBN : 9781483697529
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 809
ISBN : 9781483697536

About the Book

Title: "Leila's And Kim's Pre-college Vocabulary in Context and Graded Grammar Exercises" This Workbook {is a valuable tool put forward for the benefit of aspiring Leila and ambitious Kim and their high school and pre-college peers who would use it to enrich their repertoire of vocabulary and review their English Grammar to help them cope with their post high school and college requirements and to satisfy their search and eagerness to using the language smoothly and with confidence. In fact, in order to respond to Leila's strong desire to learn and Kim's tremendous love of developing language proficiency, this Workbook contains a large number of Vocabulary Exercises totaling more than 200 which are intended to help enrich users by more than 3000 words of common use, most of which are part of the International Word List and carly college textbook items, in addition to the many other items used in the multiple-choice-question distractors. Similarly, there are more than 200 Grammar Exercises of 20 items each. Both the Vocabulary and the Grammar Exercises are supplied with answers at the end of each exercise to facilitate reference instead of having tables appended at the end of the book, which are not usually referred to by many users. A user of the Workbook, however, should only look at the answers once he or she has finished the exercise to compare the answers. The context sentences used in the Workbook are simple and are meant to please Kim and thrill Leila rather than frustrate their efforts or waste their valuable time. The review exercises have not been haphazardly written, but are the result of many years of working with the likes of Leila and Kim here and abroad as well as personal involvement in program development, text and test writing, research and note-taking in order to decide the context in which an item should fit. Finally, whether the user of this Workbook is a high school student, a pre-college or university student, or a job seeker, it is certainly an excellent tool in hand and ‘A Road to College and Career Success' only if the exercises are given the time and the effort required!

About the Author

Sam Christian - Scarborough- Ontario- Canada A Graduate of Linguistics and Education, with a major in Phonetics and Grammar, the Author has undertaken different jobs in many Middle Eastern countries- Kuwait, the U.A.E., Saudi Arabia- and in his home country, Canada, as a Teacher of English and a Consultant in the areas of Language Teaching, Curriculum Development, Translation and Simultaneous Interpretation, Distant Learning, Editing as well as Public Relations, which has provided him with a chance to be involved with people of different backgrounds and cultures, and has helped shape his life and character as well as given him the advantage of understanding people. Sam Christian is the same author of the combined Poetry books “Thank God I’m not a Republican & When Evil Struck the Twin Towers” released in February 2010, by Golden Sky Publishers of New York. He also adapted the Chapter of Yusuf in the Holy Quran into a film script, which was also published as a book by Golden Sky Publishers, 2010. In addition to these and the book in hand, Sam is also the author of English Remedial Grammar Workbook for International Students published by Shiel and Denver in 2012. Leila’s & Kim’s Vocabulary and Grammar Volume One (Shiel &Denver2013), and now comes this Leila’s and Kim’s Vocabulary in Context Volume 2, by Xlibris!