Leila’s & Fahd’s

Graded Grammar Workbook

by Sam Christian



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/5/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 910
ISBN : 9781499035568
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 910
ISBN : 9781499035544
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 910
ISBN : 9781499035551

About the Book

This Workbook is intended for Arab EFL Learners who wish to review and consolidate their English Grammar and enrich their Vocabulary so they can adjust and advance in their academic and college requirements!

About the Author

Sam Christian – Mississauga – Ontario - Canada A Graduate of Linguistics and Education, with a major in Phonetics and Grammar, the Author has undertaken different jobs in many Middle Eastern countries- Kuwait, the U.A.E., Saudi Arabia- and in his home country, Canada, as a Teacher of English and a Consultant in the areas of Language Teaching, Curriculum Development, Translation and Simultaneous Interpretation, Distant Learning, Editing as well as Public Relations, which has provided him with a chance to be involved with people of different backgrounds and cultures, and has helped shape his life and character as well as given him the advantage of understanding people. Sam Christian is the same author of the combined Poetry books “Thank God I’m not a Republican & When Evil Struck the Twin Towers” released in February 2010, by Golden Sky Publishers of New York. He also adapted the Chapter of Yusuf in the Holy Quran into a film script, which was also published as a book by Golden Sky Publishers, 2010. In addition to these and the book in hand, Sam is also the author of English Remedial Grammar Workbook for International Students published by Shiel and Denver in 2012. Leila’s & Kim’s Vocabulary and Grammar Volume One (Shiel &Denver2013); Leila’s and Kim’s Vocabulary in Context Volume 2, by Xlibris, published September 2013, and now comes this Leila’s and Fahd’s Graded Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook, also published by Xlibris!