The advice was shrewd, the road steep, and the potholes deep

by Ron McCarthy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/11/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9798369494424
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9798369494431

About the Book

I grew up during the hardships of World War II in a family with limited income and a father devoted to racing pigeons left behind by two brothers who didn’t return from war. Life was tough. My holidays at a fishing village dictated subsistence living and improvisation. With limited schooling my cousins learnt to build canoes, sailing boats, launches and two weatherboard homes designed with pencil sketches. My grandfather surprised me when thirteen years old with seven magic words that helped shape my attitude to life. From being shy, my athleticism led to a range of different sports, and I played with and against some of the greats, including three Australian legends. As a young engineer I earned the respect of my technical staffs and rose to be regarded as a technical expert. This became a stumbling block for further promotion. I found my sport, coaching, life experience, and the study of creativity, held the leadership skills which enabled me to reach the fast lane of business. The financial rewards, the opportunity to experience other cultures and see some world treasures, were balanced by stress, health problems, and lost family time. I believe my story and what I’ve learnt show how to improve motivation, learn new skills, and enhance self-esteem.

About the Author