Advanced Editorial Services

Sometimes manuscripts need specialized attention that goes beyond grammar, spelling, and punctuation improvements. Our experienced editors will take a close look at your book’s content and other stylistic considerations including content, plot, and pace.

Cover Copy Polish

Our copywriters will see to it that you have an intriguing cover copy that will help pique interest in your book.

Small Book Review with Editing (Under 5,000 Words)

Our editors carefully review your full manuscript (under 5,000 words) and provide you with the edits best suited to your book. This all-inclusive service is a combination of our Editorial Assessment, Line Editing and Content Editing services.


An experienced editor will correct errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation in your manuscript.

Editorial Assessment

This evaluates sections of your manuscript to gauge what type of editing could help polish it.

Line Editing

Xlibris provides an industry-standard line edit for your manuscript.

Content Editing

Xlibris editors can check your manuscript for consistency and accuracy.

Content Editing Plus

This service is ideal for manuscripts that need more work on sentence structure and grammar than basic content editing can provide.

Developmental Editing

This Xlibris service combines three editorial services into one package.