Who Shall Stand?
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About the Book
The twentieth century is over, and Jesus has not come. According to Ellen White, Jesus was supposed to come on two occasions in the nineteenth century [after 1844 (GC458; 1SM 68-69) and after 1888]. We all expected Him to come in the twentieth century. But in neither century did Jesus come. Why could Jesus not come in those centuries? The time of His coming depends not alone on taking the gospel to the world. All the satellite Nets and missionary journeys in the world alone will not fulfill the Plan A Conditions of Christ’s coming. His people should accept His help to get over their apostasy, worldliness, and unbelief. They must have a thorough revival and reformation to prepare the way for the latter rain and a fire storm evangelization of the world. On the other hand, how do we know that Jesus does not have a Plan B?—a coming to an unready church (Isaiah 66:15-19)? This is a sobering question. The greatest need today is a revival and reformation among the people of God. When that happens, the way will be cleared for the abundant outpouring of the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit. When that occurs, the gospel will be proclaimed with astonishing power. The world will be fully warned, and Christ can then come quickly to end the sin problem and take his people home to heaven. How can such a revival and reformation be obtained? In two remarkable articles in the Review and Herald (November 10, 1896 and February 4, 1902), both entitled "A Test of Gratitude and Loyalty," Ellen White outlined a guaranteed blueprint for revival and reformation. The Lord showed her what would be effective in bringing about such an experience. The blueprint called for a study of Daniel in connection with the smaller prophets, especially Malachi,