Refresher 1 Draft 2
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About the Book
The most important invention in human history is the Refresher 1. If it works as calculated, it would reverse all aging, disease, and decay processes in humans, animals, vegetation, and minerals to young adulthood, and there preserve them. While designed to be tested in an area as small as five acres, it is designed to be capable of expansion of the active field in increments, as governments permit, until the whole earth is covered simultaneously by the field from one small machine system. One machine could restore the whole earth to Edenic perfection. The machine would work by reversing the order to disorder arrow in the second law of thermodynamics. Here are several examples of what that means. Processes with which we are familiar progress in one direction. For examples, fresh picked fruit is fresh only for awhile. Then it ripens too much, spoils, then decays. Newly built barns last quite awhile, but eventually sag, and if never maintained, eventually fall down and collapse. Fresh paint on houses gradually oxidizes, blisters, and peels. A young human grows older, gets wrinkles, loses hair and teeth, gets stooped, gets sick, dies, gets cremated, the ashes are scattered. There are an infinite number of similar possible ordered pathways such as this that could be cited. The events as we have ever observed them always go in one direction. That direction forms one of the important arrows of time. What governs this direction is the order to disorder arrow in the second law of thermodynamics.