The Physics of Genesis

by Gordon Ziegler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/11/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781493145935
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781493145942

About the Book

I wrote Electrino Physics with as few references to God and the Bible as possible, to be in the physics tradition, and so as not to offend physicists. But for many years I dreamed of writing a book named The Physics of Genesis. I longed to apply the origin relating calculations I was making in the Electrino Fusion Model of Elementary Particles to the scientific discussion of the origin concepts in the Bible book of Genesis. For 24 years this book simmered in the back of my mind. But here it is!—a second draft of it. The book starts with a brief summary of the model in Electrino Physics, but then shows from the calculations the omnipresence, the immortality, and the extreme wisdom of the One or Ones that originated and sustained and sustains the Universe. From other calculations I show the extreme improbability of the origin of the Universe in a Big Bang of pair production of particles. I show the truth of the Bible regarding the nature of the smallest particles. Things that the ancient Bible writers could not know and understand from the then current physical theory are revealed in the Bible—showing the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” is now not myth, fable, legend, or falsehood—it is good science. Genesis not only tells of the creation of the Universe and this earth, it tells of the fall of man and the great changes that brought to this earth. The discovery of how to reverse the order to disorder arrow in the second law of thermodynamics, related in Electrino Physics, sheds light on what apparently happened in the transition from pre-fall to post-fall earth, why God allowed the changes, and how God designs to reverse the damage, now, through science (see Does God Really Love Us? by myself). This book concludes with the question, “How do you see it now?” The reader is invited to reflect on which model of physics best fits the needs of humanity.

About the Author